The CSR approach, which involves acting to develop sustainable farming, establishing sustainable, fair and considerate relationships with partners, supporting and developing channels, goes beyond organic produce. Companies’ commitments to the environment and society are more than just actions; they are their raison d’être.

In all areas, organic companies have increasingly high standards when it comes to product quality: stricter specifications, increased obligations for partners, more analyses and greater transparency have become essential.

(Re)discover the history of these five companies which will be at Natexpo in October.


Report curated by our partner  

In Bio-Reportages, Bio Linéaires goes out and meets companies that are shaping the organic sector.


BIOBLEUD: Authenticity and innovation

Based in Brittany, Biobleud has been designing, making and marketing around 60 lines of ready-rolled pastry doughs, crêpes and blinis, for shops, canteens, catering and food industries for 30 years.
The ambition of Biobleud is to contribute at its level and via its business to the development of a healthy and virtuous diet both for humans and the planet.

A pioneering company in organic food, Biobleud also wants to be a pioneer of social responsibility and received Bioentreprisedurable certification in 2018. A collaborative governance, with a flat hierarchical structure, has been set up, with CSR as the overarching strategy for decision-making.

Discover here the full report


Fish4Ever: the iconic brand of ecologically and socially sustainable fishing

The Fish4Ever brand was created in 2001 with the purpose of applying organic values to sustainable fishing. It was the first brand in the world to offer canned seafood from responsible fishing.

Fish4Ever employs around 10 people and has set up its canneries at fishing sites for a very short circuit and full traceability. A strong supporter of traditional fishing, Fish4Ever is strongly involved with NGOs and other associations linked to ecology in general, to promote sustainable food and protect marine resources and fishing communities. 

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ARTISANS DU MONDE: fair trade that moves mountains

Artisans du Monde is a pioneer in fair trade in France.

The first Artisans du Monde boutique was created in 1973, resulting from the idea of creating a network of sales and information shops dedicated to the third world, following an appeal by Abbé Pierre in November 1971 inviting the municipalities of France to twin with those in Bangladesh, at the time at civil war. Artisans du Monde, a not-for-profit organisation, has become a federation of associations that aims to educate and raise awareness of the general public to the issue of fair trade. 

As a reminder, fair trade is based on two pillars. First, being associated with projects that have a social or environmental impact, and second, ensuring fair pay to producers allowing them to make a decent living from their work. 

Discover here the full report


1 % for the Planet

“Become a company with a positive impact on health and the planet”. Such is the aim of Charles Kloboukoff, President and Founder of Léa Nature, Chairman of the  1 % for the Planet France fund.
Member companies of the 1% for the Planet global movement donate 1% of their turnover to environmental protection associations.

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CENTIFOLIA: organic cosmetics “from flower to bottle”

Created over 30 years ago, Centifolia is today an expert in organic cosmetics and botany, dedicated exclusively to specialist shops. It was born with the commitment to sell cleaning products that are healthy and safe for people and the environment, without chemical fertiliser, insecticide or herbicide residue, chlorine-free, sulphur-free and ammonia-free. 

Qualified as “the most eco-friendly in the world” when it was inaugurated in 2010, the cosmetics factory is at the cutting-edge of industrial ecology. 80% of its energy requirements are covered by renewable energy, ranging from wind and photovoltaic power to heating entirely from biomass. Situated in a 30-hectare site classified as High Environmental Quality, the location of the Science & Nature group, which includes Centifolia, is also a site of great biodiversity. 

Discover here the full report