Kafé Naka was created in January 2019 out of the desire to reinvent a consumer good by adding a wellness innovation. The Naka mix is a blend of roast coffee and green coffee extract, an innovative mix which conserves all of its natural antioxidant properties, offering a detox coffee break!

In 2020, Kafé Naka exhibited at Natexpo for the first time in the Incubator: a good way to start out. Following on from this successful show, the young brand this year is taking a dive into the Big Splash, a larger space to give better visibility to its products and new ranges. Last October, Kafé Naka launched detox lattés, a cappuccino and a mocaccino which contain the same natural antioxidants as the Naka Mix. Two innovations that are good for you and that you will be able to find at Natexpo 2021.

We take a look back on the Natexpo experience with Charlotte Petit, founder of Kafé Naka.

Photo : Kafé Naka

You exhibited in in the Incubator in 2020: what was your company like back then ?

We had been selling our products for just over a year. We had proximately 100 partner stores.

In what way was this exhibition format an opportunity for you? 

This format is quite obviously an opportunity since it allows you to test the show at an affordable price for small companies.
We had taken part in a show the previous year that didn’t work out very well, and this therefore helps us to go a step further and test out a new show.

Today you’re exhibiting in the Big Splash at Natexpo. What does this new step represent in your strategy?

The Big Splash will allow Kafé Naka to be more visible on the show, and exhibit our products better. Whilst also representing a budget that is acceptable for a very young company!

Photo : Kafé Naka

What impact has Natexpo had on your company’s development?

Natexpo helped us reach new customers and engage in discussions with our key account sales leads.

We haven’t yet had the chance to draw conclusions from the show because it’s too early, but we sense it has had a positive impact.

What else would you add?

Let’s hope that the 2021 show is more “normal” than the 2020 show!


To find out more about Kafé Naka, visit their website.