The new normal

organic trends

Society and the planet were transformed during the pandemic, with a search for meaning pervading our lives.

During this unprecedented period, our relationship to the world, nature, work and home changed. For some, such as people who decided to change where they live or work, this change was definitive.

The very notion of normality raises questions. Most people are waiting to get back to “normal”, while others are hoping for profound changes in society. A quarter of French people believe, however, that life will never return to normal[i]. But this weariness that has taken over the French seems to be gradually disappearing as we come out of the ‘crisis’ and places start to reopen. Will we see a return to our previous lives? Maybe just on the surface.

The Covid-19 pandemic and successive lockdowns have changed our priorities, but without changing their essence. At the height of the crisis, French people put the epidemic at the top of their concerns (76%), followed by the health system (42%) and global warming (33%)[ii].

The two movements shaping society, which are the quest for good health and ecology, are still very much alive, and these are the driving forces of the organic sector.

In this paradigm, certain trends came to a halt, while others made progress. Although concerns regarding plastic temporarily decreased, surpassed by those for safety, the organic sector continues to advocate zero-waste (and therefore almost zero plastic). Homemade recipes, fresh, organic and local foods have gained in popularity like never before. Home deliveries rocketed, but there is no such thing as all-round virtuous behaviour.

Ultimately, this pandemic will have highlighted the need to return to a certain food sovereignty in towns and the countryside. Another positive factor is the need to be better connected to others and to nature, giving rise to solidarity, empathy and awareness that could be the foundations of a new society.

Yes, this crisis has created another and possible normality: the ecological self, sharing and preservation of living beings.

Pascale Brousse is decoding for you the major organic trends of 2021.

Green, clean and sustainable lifestyle expert for the past 20 years, Pascale Brousse founded Trend Sourcing in 2000.

Discover Natexpo’s 2021 Organic Trends :

Macro-Trend No. 1 

Macro-Trend No. 2

Macro-Trend No. 3

Macro-Trend No. 4

Download the full Trend Book


[i] Study on The French and the Covid-19 epidemic, Vague 39, Elabe BFM Direct, 2021
[ii] Barometer by the Datacovid association and Ipsos, April 2020


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