The organic market has grown strongly for over 10 years and registered double-digit growth between 2015 and 2020. In 2021, after a remarkable peak during the Covid crisis, we are seeing a slowdown – correlated, among other things, with a drop in households’ overall consumption and the listing of organic products in supermarkets.

The issues of this sector are central to consumers’ concerns: short supply circuits, producers, naturalness and health are the essential points of consuming responsibly. Organic players are still fully mobilised, and are using fair prices, innovation and the opening of new markets to fulfil their founding mission: to provide access to products that are healthy for both people and the environment for as many people as possible.

The Natexpo Awards single out the most innovative, useful, practical and original products launched on the market during the last 12 months. This edition received around 240 applications, 21% more than in 2020! The judges elected 17 winners, including an international special mention among 8 categories:

  • Fresh products,
  • Sweet grocery products,
  • Savory grocery products,
  • Beverages,
  • Dietary supplements,
  • Cosmetics and hygiene products,
  • Household and personal products and services,
  • Equipment for retail and brands.


The innovations were presented, evaluated, and tasted by a jury of experts, made up of professionals from the sector and Junior- Enterprises, as well as journalists from the specialist, professional and general public press. 

The winners were designated on June 3rd, 2022 and will be awarded on Sunday September 18th 2022 at NATEXPO Lyon 2022 during the NATEXPO Awards Ceremony.



Isabelle Martinet, Journalist and member of the NATEXPO Jury NATEXPO since 2018, underlines:

“Participating in the NATEXPO Awards Jury allows to see the evolution of the organic trend through the offer made to consumers. Each year, we are there to give our point of view on innovations. All the judges come from different sectors and backgrounds, so everyone has their own criteria and it is very interesting to compare the different points of view. Of course, being part of a jury is always a bit hard because you have to make choices. But there are always some products that stand out and are more innovative than others. The organic criterion is mandatory to be selected, but then the products must also be innovative and have a real benefit for consumers. This year, we elected products that, in our opinion, were truly innovative in use, composition, and consumer interest and, if possible, with a rather short list of ingredients. We are indeed much more attentive to the composition and the number of additives than before, this is part of the evolution of our criteria, which is part of a general trend.”


Discover the judges opinion and the word of the candidate for each winning product:

>> Download the full press release