International trade show for organic products

Natexpo 2020 is to open on the 21rst & 22nd of September at Eurexpo Lyon, France.
We are happy to tell and reassure you about the following positive indicators : about 700 exhibitors are joining us – and that is remarkable.
SPAS Organisation is expert in organising events and in ensuring a gauge by 5000 persons at a given moment on the show.
As far as the gauge and the public health measures are respected, we can be sure Natexpo will take place under the best conditions ever.
We are happy to meet, all united and involved, on Natexpo in September.

We look forward to welcoming you on 21-22 September 2020 in Eurexpo Lyon

Expected Exhibitors
Exclusive conferences
Days of business 100% organic

Natexpo, the international trade show for organic products, is the event that is shaping the future of organic, organized by and for all the stakeholders in the organic market. For nearly 30 years, it has been a major event for all market players bringing together producers, manufacturers, processors, distributors and specialists in the sector at national and international level.

10 special areas are dedicated to training and specific contents. Discover the latest organic trends  throughout more than100 conferences, workshops and demonstrations. Anticipate the development of the organic market by taking part in the Natexbio Forum and the Organic Trends Forum. Strengthen your skills on the Dietary Supplements Forum, the Organic Ingredients Forum and the Cosmetic Innovations Forum. Get up to date with the latest organic news on the Agora. Learn more about the company of tomorrow at the Innovation Forum. Attend Lab exhibitors pitches and discover their zero-waste and circular economy solutions.

Features area
Exhibition sectors

Not to miss

The Natexpo Awards

Created in 2005, the Natexpo Awards single out the most innovative, useful, practical and original products launched on the market during the year


The New Product Gallery

The New Product Gallery, is a strategically important zone where visitors will have an exclusive preview of the innovative products presented by exhibitors.


2020 Organic Trends

We have had a real wake-up call which has refocused our values and “essentials” at the centre of our lives. It has forced us to rethink.

Natexpo Digital

Natexpo Digital

To be accessible to professionals from all over the world in every circumstances, Natexpo lanches a digital version of the trade show, in addition to the physical event.


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Natexpo partners [logo-carousel id=default]

Salon professionnel Natexpo