On the Lab, Natexpo offers an opportunity for those companies to highlight their innovative approach and products, producing added value to the organic sector and promoting responsible consumption and corporate behaviour. The young companies exhibiting within the Lab will present during a pitch programme their innovative products and solutions in a few minutes.


Conferences programme



12.00pm Official launch of the LAB and introductory conference
“Innovation trends in support of more ethical and responsible consumption”. 

With Cécile Clicquot de Mentque, Green News Techno

12.30pm Tools for a CSR and eco-conception strategy for products and sales areas
With BiodiversityUp, Donnons du sens

2.00pm Everyday zero-waste or circular economy products
With Made in Clémence, TissUp, La paille d’O, Angie de Green, Paparla, Beepack



10.30am Reducing and improving packaging: eco-packaging, bulk and deposit solutions
With Ady-Pack, Sealester, Bric à vrac, OPack, France Consigne, La Tournée, Biocinov

2.00am Anti-waste solutions for shops and restaurants

3.00pm Eco-products and ingredients for hygiene, cosmetics and detergents 
With Yfixia Mamik, Gaia, BetterAir, Danika



10.30am Short pitch session for all LAB participants: 5 min each
– CSR and eco-design strategy
– Everyday zero-waste or circular economy products
– Reducing and improving packaging / reducing waste
– Ecoproducts and ingredients for hygiene, cosmetics and detergents

3.00pm Finalists’ pitches (3 min per finalist) 

3.30pm Award ceremony for the 2023 winner


Rediscover the 2022 pitches schedule