2021 Programme


Sunday 24th October 2021

10:00: From ingredient to end product: rethinking innovation with stand-out organic ingredients
Between consumer expectations and the environmental emergency, the range of organic ingredients on offer is changing. We draw up an overview of current trends and levers to innovate differently.
With Gaëlle Frémont, Ingrébio

11:00: Shea, a story of women!
The NGO Biopartenaire will present the Équité 2 development project. With the example of the shea sector in West Africa and its impact on women’s communities, how to build and sustain opportunities for these sectors?
With Hanna EL Messaoudi, Biopartenaire and Giulia Ottavi, Cosmébio

12:00: Organic certification of salt: an overview of the issues arising from the new organic regulation
According to regulation (CE) 848/2008, salt may be certified as organic starting from 1 January 2022. What changes for organic processors? What impact on the segmentation of the market offering?
With Olivier Catrou, INAO 

13:00: Structuring a high quality European organic supply chain: the example of fresh fruit and vegetables
How can you structure your fresh fruit and vegetable supply and production chain in Spain and reassure consumers (inspections, audits, certification)? How to manage social and environmental aspects (water management, etc.).
With Alexandra Farnos, Alexandra-Farnos.bio, consulting, audit and structuring of supply chains and Marc Montluçon, FRDP

14:00: Are food processing and organic principles still compatible in the eyes of consumers?
Sales of processed organic food have risen in recent years and have raised several questions. The point of view of consumers has to date received little attention and here is addressed as part of a doctoral thesis in marketing.
With Ida Fartsi, ITAB

15:00: Towards a re-shoring of added nutritional value organic raw materials and ingredients
The Covid-19 crisis contributed to structuring more sustainable food supply chains. The re-shoring of added nutritional value ingredient chains is the subject of many projects, in particular in organic, and for a wide range of products (tea, oilseed, small fruit, pulses, etc.).
What of the nutritional quality of French ingredients compared with those which were previously imported?
With Émilie Chanséaume-Bussière, NutriFizz

16:00: The 2025 review clause, a regulatory pirouette before imposing thresholds for pesticides in organic?
The implementation of systematic downgrading thresholds has not been mothballed. There is increasing pressure from consumers for pesticide-free organic products. And yet the persistent contaminators are continuing to… persist in our environment! A threshold provides no guarantee on the compliance of an organic product.
How can these items be balanced? What is the state of play today? How can we anticipate a potential obligation?
With Bernard Lignon, Synabio


Monday 25th October 2021

10:00: From ingredient to end product: rethinking innovation with stand-out organic ingredients
Between consumer expectations and the environmental emergency, the range of organic ingredients on offer is changing. We draw up an overview of current trends and levers to innovate differently.
With Gaëlle Frémont, Ingrébio

11:00: What if eating chocolate preserved tropical forests?
The NGO Biopartenaire will present the Équité 2 development project. The example of a cocoa supply chain in Sao Tomé will illustrate the theme of forest preservation, but also the challenge of better remuneration for producers in order to improve the sustainability of production systems.
With Hanna EL Messaoudi, Biopartenaire, Sebastien Balmisse, Kaoka and Claire Dimier-Vallet, Synabio

12:00: New regulation and third-party countries: what changes to production stage in third-party countries?
On 1 January 2022, the new organic regulation will come into force. With regard to imports from third-party countries, it requires a shift from an equivalent system to a compliance system. What will the consequences be?
With Bettina Balmer, Aka Zebra, Michel Reynaud, Ecocert – IFOAM Organics Europe 

13:00: Structuring a high quality European organic supply chain: the example of fresh fruit and vegetables
How can you structure your fresh fruit and vegetable supply and production chain in Spain and reassure consumers (inspections, audits, certification)? How to manage social and environmental aspects (water management, etc.).
With Alexandra Farnos, Alexandra-Farnos.bio, consulting, audit and structuring of supply chains

14:00: The formulation of organic processed food in view of the new regulation on farm and non-farm ingredients
The network of experts at RMT Actia TransfoBio will present its formulation aid solution (accessible online for free) incorporating the latest modifications of annexes VIII et IX, but also the possible alternatives to certain additives for more sustainable recipes.
With Paul Van Dooren, Adrianor – RMT Actia TransfoBio

15:00: Developing products from upcycled ingredients for a sustainable nutrition goal
Nutrition claims, Nutriscore, Clean label, the use of upcycled ingredients, etc. A wide range of opportunities for innovation and communication to promote your products today and tomorrow on the theme of sustainable nutrition.
With Émilie Dalle, Nutrifizz and Dominique Sylvain, Hubcycle

16:00: Organic cleaning products: changes to annexes VII to IV?
With the entry into force of Regulation 848/2018, the plant sector and organic manufacturing sector are supposed to comply with a positive list of cleaning and disinfection products. And yet this annex, which was initially to be introduced in on 1 January 2021 has already been postponed twice.
What is the state of play today? Will the list be ready before 1 January 2024? How is the sector doing in reality? We offer a progress report.
With Bernard Lignon, Synabio


Tuesday 26th October 2021

10:00: From ingredient to end product: rethinking innovation with stand-out organic ingredients
Between consumer expectations and the environmental emergency, the range of organic ingredients on offer is changing. We draw up an overview of current trends and levers to innovate differently.
With Gaëlle Frémont, Ingrébio

11:00: Direct sourcing from producers in southern countries: what conditions, what advantages?
The strengthening of farmers’ organisations is at the heart of the professionalisation of commodity chains and a more equal distribution of value, allowing fairer and more direct links with European buyers. Agroecology, fair trade and long-term partnerships make it possible to build sustainable commodity chains that meet the environmental, social and economic challenges of producers and their territories, but also the quality and transparency criteria of European markets.
With Anaïs Chotard, AVSF, and the exclusive testimony of representatives from 3 cooperatives: Mamouna OUEDRAOGO (ASY), Maïmouna TOURE TAMBOURA (USCOOP-SPBK/CAS), Adjara TIEMTORE TRAORE (UCPPK H).

12:00: New regulation and third-party countries: what new inspection arrangements?
On 1 January 2022, the new organic regulation will come into force. With regard to imports from third-party countries, it requires a shift from an equivalent system to a compliance system. The group certification and inspection rules will change substantially. But with what consequences for producer organisations and certifying bodies?
With Bettina Balmer, Aka Zebra and Antoine Faure, Ecocert – EOCC

13:00: EGALIM, EGALIM 2 … What organic verticals do we want?
The French Act EGALIM 2 is on the verge of application, and we do not yet know what changes it will entail for organic manufacturers. In any event, let’s stay ahead of the race by advocating the principles of equity and transparency in the supply verticals in which we work. Synabio offers a charter for organic verticals, supplemented by a guide of good practice. For us, they must translate into strong commitments over several years from all the links in the chain, from production to retail.
With Claire Dimier-Vallet, Synabio and Marc Barré, Biofournil and Synabio

14:00: Organic manufacturing process multi-criteria assessment framework: case study of ProOrg
The ProOrg project is an Eranet Core Organic projects bringing together seven countries whose ambition is to offer organic operators an approach for the multi-criteria assessment of manufacturing processes in order to fulfil consumer expectations and respect the fundamentals of organic farming
With Rodolphe Vidal, ITAB – RMT Actia TransfoBio

15:00: Fermented food: what nutritional and health benefits?
A regulatory and scientific update on the nutritional benefits associated with fermented food. A promising innovation subject boosted by growing interest among consumers in the connection between intestinal microbiota and health.
With Céline Gryson, NutriFizz and Jérôme Bucamp, Kyo Kombucha

Natexpo Trade Show