Meet and exchange with industry experts.

The Organic Trends Forum, organised in partnership with Bio Linéaires, offers a programme of short conferences based on dialogue between professionals. Attend the talks with specialist experts on key themes for organic retailers: consumption, retail, loose goods retail, supply chain, trends, packaging… And find out more about the German and the Belgian organic markets.

Stand C121


Programme of the conferences


Sunday 18 September 2022

◉ 10:30am Well-being: Consumers’ search for happiness
In times of uncertainty, people question the meaning of life. Customers want more than just healthy and tasty products. The Wellness (boosting physical capacities) and Well-being (inner well-being) trend, very in vogue in the United States, is the search to feel better with oneself and for happiness. In other words, feeling comfortable about your body, your mind, your life, with others, etc., and in harmony with nature. What are the consequences on eco-responsible consumer goods and communication?
With Sauveur Fernandez, ECONOVATEUR

◉ 11:00am Update on retail in Benelux and Belgium
What is tomorrow’s strategy for exports to Benelux?
Belgium: the market is changing and threatening many organic players. We are not talking about a few closures or takeovers, but a major consolidation of the organic market. What is the actual situation? An update on the market and trends will be shared.
With Mélanie Longin, SALES4BIO

◉ 11:30am Market analysis of the organic network: fresh products and frozen food
Analysis of BioAnalytics data and short presentations of the fresh products and frozen food in the organic network: success stories, flops, and what changes to expect.
With Bernard Ollié and Adrien Weitzman, good.

◉ 12:00pm Local and organic produce: an essential alliance
An update on the essential alliance between “organic & local” to reconcile the best of both worlds: what are the challenges for organic brands and retailers following the development of farm produce shops, drive-through farms and on-line sales? Micro-logistics, product listing, the perfect local brand. Is it possible to reconcile local produce and national listing? Example of slow circular chains adapted to local produce.
With Sauveur Fernandez, ECONOVATEUR

◉ 1:30pm Market analysis of the organic network: beverages
Analysis of BioAnalytics data and short presentations of the beverages in the organic network: success stories, flops, and what changes to expect.
With Bernard Ollié and Adrien Weitzman, good.

◉ 2:00pm The indirect benefits of buying loose
Réseau Vrac will present the results of its survey on the virtuous practices of bulk/loose professionals and the positive externalities they produce.
With Célia Rennesson and Chloé Liard RÉSEAU VRAC

◉ 3:00pm The organic shop gets a makeover: 100 inspiring examples across all circuits (France and international)
Enduring a major crisis due to competition from more accessible alternative environmental labels, and due to new, unsatisfied consumer expectations, the organic sector needs to become attractive again while avoiding the low-price trap. Here are 10 new key markers and six main mantras of the new organic shop, including alternative local groceries and supermarkets. With 100 inspiring examples of pioneering shops in France which have successfully reinvented themselves.
With Sauveur Fernandez, ECONOVATEUR

◉ 4:00pm Where does the organic consumer stand?
BIO panel will be presenting its 8th annual survey on the French organic consumer: how they have changed and what they expect compared to 2021. This annual monitoring is conducted with a community of 7,500 subscribers. In this current period of change, there will be a focus on “understanding the consumer and building their loyalty to the brand or shop”.
With François Labbaye, BIO DÉVELOPPEMENT

◉ 4:30pm Market analysis of the organic network: sweet grocery products and bakery
Analysis of BioAnalytics data and short presentations of the sweet grocery products and bakery in the organic network: success stories, flops, and what changes to expect.
With Bernard Ollié and Adrien Weitzman, good.

◉ 5:00pm On-line sales and services: 2022 update and major trends
Although organic retailers are still wondering about the benefits of online sales, it is beginning to take root even more firmly as the practical aspect is evident to even the most well-informed consumers. Innovative services are being developed, with unique opportunities for new economic models: marketplaces, pedestrian walk-ins, livestreaming, customer support (on-line consultation, etc.). It’s the era of social shops and friendly doorsteps to avoid “sofa” shopping.
With Sauveur Fernandez, ECONOVATEUR



Monday 19 September 2022

10:30am Market analysis of the organic network: savoury grocery products
Analysis of BioAnalytics data and short presentations of the savoury grocery products  in the organic network: success stories, flops, and what changes to expect.
With Bernard Ollié and Adrien Weitzman, good.

11:00am Loose products: land of innovation
The loose product sector is constantly innovating to offer more and more different products in a more practical and environmentally virtuous way. This is why Réseau Vrac is launching the Lab Innovation to give impetus to innovative projects and help them develop in the long term.
With Célia Rennesson and Chloé Liard, RÉSEAU VRAC

11:30am Result of the exclusive survey on organic shop loyalty
Our survey, conducted together with BioPanel and Bio Linéaires, will be focused on the subject of loyalty before, during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Feedback from shops and good practices.
With Burkhard Schaer, ECOZEPT

12:30pm On-line sales and services: 2022 update and major trends
Although organic retailers are still wondering about the benefits of online sales, it is beginning to take root even more firmly as the practical aspect is evident to even the most well-informed consumers. Innovative services are being developed, with unique opportunities for new economic models: marketplaces, pedestrian walk-ins, livestreaming, customer support (on-line consultation, etc.). It’s the era of social shops and friendly doorsteps to avoid “sofa” shopping.
With Sauveur Fernandez, ECONOVATEUR

2:00pm Where does the organic consumer stand?
BIO panel will be presenting its 8th annual survey on the French organic consumer: how they have changed and what they expect compared to 2021. This annual monitoring is conducted with a community of 7,500 subscribers. In this current period of change, there will be a focus on “understanding the consumer and building their loyalty to the brand or shop”.
With François Labbaye, BIO DÉVELOPPEMENT

2:30pm The organic shop gets a makeover: 100 inspiring examples across all circuits (France and international)
Enduring a major crisis due to competition from more accessible alternative environmental labels, and due to new, unsatisfied consumer expectations, the organic sector needs to become attractive again while avoiding the low-price trap. Here are 10 new key markers and six main mantras of the new organic shop, including alternative local groceries and supermarkets. With 100 inspiring examples of pioneering shops in France which have successfully reinvented themselves.
With Sauveur Fernandez, ECONOVATEUR

3:00pm Market analysis of the organic network: household products
Analysis of BioAnalytics data and short presentations of the household products  in the organic network: success stories, flops, and what changes to expect.
With Bernard Ollié and Adrien Weitzman, good.

3:30pm The German organic market
While it was still growing at the start of 2022, the organic market in Germany is now slowing down, especially in organic shops. Analyses and prospects based on our current studies.
With Burkhard Schaer, ECOZEPT

4:00pm Update on retail in Benelux and Belgium
What is tomorrow’s strategy for exports to Benelux?
Belgium: the market is changing and threatening many organic players. We are not talking about a few closures or takeovers, but a major consolidation of the organic market. What is the actual situation? An update on the market and trends will be shared.
With Mélanie Longin, SALES4BIO

4:30pm Local and organic produce: an essential alliance
An update on the essential alliance between “organic & local” to reconcile the best of both worlds: what are the challenges for organic brands and retailers following the development of farm produce shops, drive-through farms and on-line sales? Micro-logistics, product listing, the perfect local brand. Is it possible to reconcile local produce and national listing? Example of slow circular chains adapted to local produce.
With Sauveur Fernandez, ECONOVATEUR

5:00pm Market analysis of the organic network: hygiene and care products
Analysis of BioAnalytics data and short presentations of the hygiene and care products  in the organic network: success stories, flops, and what changes to expect.
With Bernard Ollié and Adrien Weitzman, good.


Tuesday 20 September 2022

10:30am Where does the organic consumer stand?
BIO panel will be presenting its 8th annual survey on the French organic consumer: how they have changed and what they expect compared to 2021. This annual monitoring is conducted with a community of 7,500 subscribers. In this current period of change, there will be a focus on “understanding the consumer and building their loyalty to the brand or shop”.
With François Labbaye, BIO DÉVELOPPEMENT

11:00am Update on retail in Benelux and Belgium
What is tomorrow’s strategy for exports to Benelux?
Belgium: the market is changing and threatening many organic players. We are not talking about a few closures or takeovers, but a major consolidation of the organic market. What is the actual situation? An update on the market and trends will be shared.
With Mélanie Longin, SALES4BIO

11:30am Market analysis of the organic network: dietary supplements
Analysis of BioAnalytics data and short presentations of dietary supplements in the organic network: success stories, flops, and what changes to expect.
With Bernard Ollié and Adrien Weitzman, good.

12:00pm Well-being: Consumers’ search for happiness
In times of uncertainty, people question the meaning of life. Customers want more than just healthy and tasty products. The Wellness (boosting physical capacities) and Well-being (inner well-being) trend, very in vogue in the United States, is the search to feel better with oneself and for happiness. In other words, feeling comfortable about your body, your mind, your life, with others, etc., and in harmony with nature. What are the consequences on eco-responsible consumer goods and communication?
With Sauveur Fernandez, ECONOVATEUR

1:30pm The indirect benefits of buying loose
Réseau Vrac will present the results of its survey on the virtuous practices of bulk/loose professionals and the positive externalities they produce.
With Célia Rennesson and Chloé Liard, RÉSEAU VRAC

2:00pm On-line sales and services: 2022 update and major trends
Although organic retailers are still wondering about the benefits of online sales, it is beginning to take root even more firmly as the practical aspect is evident to even the most well-informed consumers. Innovative services are being developed, with unique opportunities for new economic models: marketplaces, pedestrian walk-ins, livestreaming, customer support (on-line consultation, etc.). It’s the era of social shops and friendly doorsteps to avoid “sofa” shopping.
With Sauveur Fernandez, ECONOVATEUR

2:30pm Result of the exclusive survey on organic shop loyalty
Our survey, conducted together with BioPanel and Bio Linéaires, will be focused on the subject of loyalty before, during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Feedback from shops and good practices.
With Burkhard Schaer, ECOZEPT

3:30pm Market analysis of the organic network: child nutrition
Analysis of BioAnalytics data and short presentations of child nutrition in the organic network: success stories, flops, and what changes to expect.
With Bernard Ollié and Adrien Weitzman, good.

4:00pm Local and organic produce: an essential alliance
An update on the essential alliance between “organic & local” to reconcile the best of both worlds: what are the challenges for organic brands and retailers following the development of farm produce shops, drive-through farms and on-line sales? Micro-logistics, product listing, the perfect local brand. Is it possible to reconcile local produce and national listing? Example of slow circular chains adapted to local produce.
With Sauveur Fernandez, ECONOVATEUR



These conferences will be captured and available in replay on Natexpo Digital


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