Designed as the show’s nerve centre, the forum is being set aside for original and unprecedented plenaries and themes. Local market players, institutional representatives, retailers, producers, processors and political figures will all discuss and debate the sector’s trends and challenges.

The 2025 conferences programme will be available soon.

In the meantime, rediscover the 2025 programme.

Conferences programme 2024




10:15am CSR: towards BioED certification for specialised shops
A Synadis Bio and Synabio conference.
Hosted by Charles Pernin (SYNABIO).
With Marion Noirot (Biocoop) and Marjorie Favre (La Vie Claire).

11:00am Agriculture or the Environment? What have the politicians done in the wake of the agricultural crisis?
With Pierrick de Ronne (President of Natexbio), Jérôme Caillé (organic farmer, President of the organic commission of La Coopération Agricole) and Guillaume Gontard (senator and president of the group Écologistes au Sénat).

12:45pm Organic Agriculture and biodiversity: What synergies? What are the roles of businesses in the organic sector? 
In partnership with the Organic Agriculture Academic Chair at Bordeaux Sciences Agro.
With Adrien Rusch (Research Director, INRAE), François Duveau (President of the Biodiscore association) and Guy Deberdt (Chairman of Biopartenaire).


2:30pm From schools to hospitals, what are the levers for increasing the use of organic produce in collective catering?
Presented by Nicolas Kessler (journalist).
With Marie-Cécile Rollin (Director, Restau’Co), Maurice Deffrennes (Head of Development Bio A Pro, Réseau Manger Bio), Guy-Bernard Cordier (Réseau Le Saint and Vivalya), Marion Luce (Department of the Drôme).

3:45pm Masterdata: Improving collaboration between suppliers and distributors on product data
A Synabis Bio conference.
With Nathan Labat (La Fourche). 




10:00am The organic cosmetics market
With Damien Sineau and Nicolas Bertrand (Cosmebio).

10:45am Why do consumers buy organic?
In partnership with the Organic Agriculture Academic Chair at Bordeaux Sciences Agro. Presented by Nicolas Kessler (journalist).
With Sébastien Lecocq (Research officer, INRAE), Eric Giraud-Héraud (Research Director, INRAE), and Fabien Foulon (Retail and Detail)

12:15pm Figures and trends in the dietary supplements market
With Claire Guignier (Director of Public Affairs and Communications, Synadiet) and Lourdes de Zabala (Nutrikeo).


1:00pm 2024 Natexpo Awards ceremony
Hosted by Annabelle Baudin.

2pm Start-ups: how to establish yourself in the organic market
A Synabio conference.
Hosted by Claire Dimier-Vallet.
With Christophe Audouin (Bio&Lo) and Maxime Laurent (In Extremis).

3pm Winners of previous editions of Natexbio Challenge and Natexpo Lab : Where are they now?
Discussions with the winners of previous editions of the Natexbio Challenge and Lab Natexpo.





Natexpo Trade Show