Placed at the centre of the show, the Agora is a space which offers a platform to experts who will give an update on the latest organic news. How to anticipate the challenges of tomorrow? The Agora will provide food for thought throughout the 3 days of the show, with a double program focused on international and innovation.

In the afternoon, the Agora gives way to round tables and conferences all based on innovation: e-commerce, consumer trends, regulatory changes, fair trade, ethical finance, reuse, local, bulk… : it is the innovation afternoons


Conferences programme



2.00pm Health, taste and ecology: how can you boost organic sales?
With Adriano Farano (Pane Vivo) and Joséphine Bournonville (OMIE)

3.00pm Behind-counter service: a key section to offer diversity in store and reduce packaging? 
With Sylvain Lambin (ORGANIC ALLIANCE)

4.00pm Conference on fair trade and responsible purchasing

5.00pm Report on food trends 2025
With Virginie Lorenzato and Laure Malherbe, GROUPE CARAMEL



2.00pm Reuse, reduction and recycling vs product properties and characteristics.
With Antoine Covillers ((RE)SET), Maud Craplet (LEKO ORGANISME), Florence Duriez (FRANCE CONSIGNE), Hugues Pelletier (PETREL), Alexis Dusanter (BOCOLOCO)

3.00pm Fair trade and its levers to guarantee sustainable supplies: focus on the cocoa supply chain. 
With Blaise Desbordes (MAX HAVELAAR FRANCE), Antoine Gonnet-Miranda (SPP FRANCE) and Yannick Chambon (SOLIDAR’MONDE), animated by Emilie Durochat (Commerce Équitable France)

4.00pm Organic brands: dare or perish. The keys to becoming a pioneer again. 
With Alexis Canto and Nicolas Neau (PIXELIS)

5.00pm Trends and issues in collective catering
With Lise Pujos (ECOCERT)



2.00pm State of play in consumer expectations in terms of Nutrition-Health and regulations on most common claims 
With Laetitia Ranchon, Nutrition Expert

3.00pm Solidarity finance, a relevant strategy for the development of organic businesses
With Fanny Naville (1% for the Planet) and Julien Le Couturier (La Nef)



In the morning, the Agora offers a cycle of conferences focuses on import/export, allowing international issues to be addressed and as well as an inventory of local organic markets.
Discover the programme of the international mornings