Created in 2005, the NATEXPO Awards single out the most innovative, useful, practical and original products launched on the market during the year.

In 2018, 150 new products were entered in the Awards competition, in 7 categories: Fresh Products, Grocery Products, Beverages, Health Food, Dietary Supplements, Cosmetics and Hygiene Products, Household and Personal Products and Services.

The winners were designated by a panel of expert judges made up of trade professionals and journalists:

  • Clara Dikita, Confédération Nationale des Junior Entreprises
  • Elodie Dupré, BIO TV
  • Anne Dupuis, Organic and eco-friendly fashion specialist
  • Anaïs Engler, Cosmétique Mag
  • Camille Harel, LSA
  • Angélique Houlbert, Dietician
  • Antoine Lemaire, BioLinéaires
  • Isabelle Martinet, France 2
  • Philippe Millet, Actif’s Magazine
  • Christine Rivry-Fournier, Biofil
  • Mélanie Schmidt-Ulmann,Actu-beauté
  • Christine Zalejski, Consultant in infant foods and founder of the blog Cubes & Petits Pois.

The judges assessed the products on the criteria of innovation, consumer benefits and their main performances. The essential organic certification and products’ retail prices were also taken into consideration. All of the products were tasted or tried out by the judges.

“Fresh Products” category

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“Grocery Products” category

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“Beverages” category

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“Health Food” category

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“Dietary Supplements” category

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“Cosmetics and Hygiene Products” category

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“Household and Personal Products and Services” category

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Natexpo Trade Show