Natexpo is the trade show for organic, ecological products and foods supplements


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The organic products market

France is the second largest consumer market in Europe for organic products after Germany. The organic sector is developing its reach powerfully in France. To achieve growth on this high-potential market, NATEXPO, the trade show for organic and eco-friendly products and dietary supplements, is France’s most compelling B to B event.

Natexpo in 2024

Natexpo, the international trade show for organic products, is the event that is shaping the future of organic.

An eco-responsible trade fair

Natexpo stands up for environmental friendliness and the reduction of ecological footprint, both fundamental values for us. We are commited to assure an eco-friendly and zero-waste environment, from planning through project implementation.


As a major event for the organic sector, Natexpo once again offers insight into the organic trends emerging on the market.

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