Organic Distribution: Every Link in the Chain is Present

More than ever, the organic sector is mobilizing this year from upstream to downstream to gather and make Natexpo a key event in the organic calendar.


Organic Retailers Village

A major new feature in 2024, the Organic Retailers Village makes its debut under the aegis of Synadis Bio. Major specialized distribution brands will be present to showcase their commitments.

Local Shops

Independent retailers are also on board: this year, Natexpo launches the “Local Shops” initiative, a tailor-made program to help independent retailers make the most of their experience at the show with content, training, and business meetings, in partnership with Bio Linéaires. Accommodation support is provided to help them organize their visit. Are you an independent retailer and want to be part of it? Request your invitation at

Bio Connexion by Natexpo

The large-scale retail sector also has a role to play and is invited to join the ranks under the “Bio Connexion by Natexpo” initiative