Created in 2018, Forébio brings together 18 economic organizations of 100% organic producers whose economic, environmental and social ambitions go well beyond the simple service of selling the production of its members. More than 7000 organic producers, breeding and plant productions; 50% of meat production, 30% of milk, 20% of cereals and fruits and vegetables
Forébio‘s member organizations are committed to going beyond the regulations and specifications in force to ensure the most respectful, sustainable and ethical production and marketing chain possible.
This year, FORÉBio and Photo Découverte are pleased to present the exhibition “At the heart of the Organic Lands”, bringing together around fifteen images of French agricultural production. You will discover the farmer’s profession, and the specific requirements of organic farming. At the origin of this project: a 5,000km trip across France to try to encourage new professional vocations… These images reflect the humanism of each producer, their self-reliance, their skills to protect all kind of life on earth. A 2.0 trip is planned for the end of 2022 to meet FORÉBio’s partner processors.