National association of specialised distributors of organic and health food products
Since 1999, specialized distribution professionals are gathered among the same union : « SYNADIS ».
Strengthened by a large representation, the union defends efficiently the sector’s interests among national and international institutions.
Within its commissions’ activities, Synadisbio defends economic interests and protects regulations application defined in the « Charte Bio » :
- Commission for social, collective and industry agreements
- Commission for foreign affairs, institutions and european organic distribution unions
- Commission for certification and control, labelling uniformisation towards both regulations and consumers expectations
- Commission for training, continuing education, preparation and support for the « organic products sales person » qualification.
- Commission for information, organisation and management of the website provided to specialized distributors
Headquarters: Synadis Bio
14 Terrasse Bellini – 92807 PUTEAUX Cedex – FRANCE
Tél. : 01 47 76 35 26 et 09 66 85 35 26
E-mail :