Photo Natexpo 2021. Non-mandatory face mask according to public health measures in force at the time of the show.
The Innovation Forum is held at the heart of the Services and Equipment for Retail and Brands area. How to anticipate the challenges and problems of the business of tomorrow? The forum will provide leads through round tables and conferences all based on innovation: e-commerce, consumer trends, packaging, textiles…
Stand M104
Programme of the conferences
Sunday 18 September 2022
10:00am AB-certified LCBD: a natural process and 100%-French production/processing
With Christophe Latouche, L CHANVRE
11:00am Trend: cleaning products, detergents and deodorants – how to guarantee consumer safety?
With Sammy Laamari, AIR LABEL SCORE and Fanny Morrone, RAINETT – WERNER & MERTZ FRANCE
12:00pm Independent shops: how to launch an online store
With Pascale Boyer, SEVELLIA and Jean Christophe Samalens, AGENCE SECOND DEGRÉ
2:00pm Trend: the vegetable, the new star on the plate
With Elodie Germain and Delphine Dubois, LES 3 CHOUETTES
3:00pm Drinks: trends to expect on the organic market
With Alison Fuster, ETHICDRINKS, Martin Chassagne, GIMBER, Laura Panni, ALLOW LE HARD SELTZER, Fabien Marchand-Cassagne, MODERATO and Thomas Lemasle, OÉ
Monday 19 September 2022
◉ 10:00am Close-up on natural textiles: what’s the situation with organic fibres other than cotton?
With Vincent Duret, ECOCERT
◉ 11:00am Phygital: is the link between the digital world and the physical world the challenge of tomorrow’s trade?
With Virginie Lorenzato and Flavie Benard, GROUPE CARAMEL
◉ 12:00pm Supply chain traceability: how the blockchain might revolutionise our approach to transparency
◉ 1:00pm Using Science Based Targets for Nature (SBTN) to protect biodiversity
With Marie-Clémence Bruno, ECOTONE
◉ 2:00pm Trend: plant proteins, the star of food design and innovation
With Justine Dragon, CLUSTER BIO
◉ 3:00pm Major societal trends and new avenues for natural expression in beauty and well-being
With Pascale Brousse, TRENDSOURCING
◉ 4:00pm The challenges of the organic sector (and sustainable food) in relation to the right packaging
With Laurie Gouin and Marine Perez, TEAM CREATIF
◉ 5:00pm How to adopt a eco-digital communication strategy?
With Guénola Saupin and Sakina Kassass, COJECOM
Tuesday 20 September 2022
10:00am Breaking down organic innovation: making it quick and efficient
With Alexis Canto and Théo Mahut, PIXELIS
11:00am Food innovations: feedbacks from 4 emerging brands
With Olivier Costil, LE MONDE DE L’ÉPICERIE FINE and testimonies from Hugo Valentin, AMMI, Katia Tardy, LA BISCUITERIE HANDI GASPI, Charlotte Trossat, LOCAL EN BOCAL and Audrey Faure, YUM AND WILD
12:00pm The trend of fermented foods: at the crossroads of naturalness, health and exoticism
1:00pm Tomorrow’s organic consumer: the impact of a crisis on shop promises
With Tarek Louadj, NIELSENIQ
3:00pm Solidarity between brands: a new collaborative approach to the crisis
With Sylvain Zaffaroni, POUR NOURRIR DEMAIN, Jean-Philippe Lefrançois, ALPINA SAVOIE, Benoit Le Corre, HERO SOLO FRANCE, Annabelle Richard, UTOPIES and Franck Bonfils, JUSTEBIO
4:00pm Trend: the growing interest for ancient grains
With Mohamed Zellama, ORI
◉ These conferences will be captured and available in replay on Natexpo Digital