The headline event for the new Ingredients and Raw Materials sector, with IngréBio.

At the centre of the Ingredients and Raw Materials sector is held the Organic Ingredients Forum, animated by Ingrebio. Discover a full programme around the key issues of the upstream part of the organic vertical. Sustainable ingredients, vegetable proteins, structuring and consolidation of sectors, sourcing and formulation of organic food and cosmetics products will all be discussed with contributions of experts, producers and processors of the sector.

Conferences programme



10.30am Innovating with sustainable ingredients: focus on organic and fair trade ingredients
>> Organic and Fair Trade Ingredients Discovery Tour

Guided tour to meet suppliers of organic and fair trade ingredients at the show…
Gaëlle Frémont, INGREBIO

12.00pm Biodiversity protected and cultivated in organic verticals: actions, evaluations, progress 
Integrating biodiversity issues into your organic sourcing approach is essential. Testimonials from manufacturers and demonstration of the Biodiscore tool.
With François Duveau, Collectif BiodiScore, Renaud Chamonal, Ecotone and Emma Flipon, D’une Graine Aux Autres.

1.00pm Organic verticals seeking to reconquer our communities 
Feedback from organic sector reterritorialisation projects in the south and north of France.
With Claire Rubat du Merac, Be Bio Conseil and Eva Coudray, Filières Bio en Hauts-de-France

2.00pm Innovating in cosmetics with sustainable ingredients
>> Organic Cosmetics Ingredients Discovery Tour
Guided tour to meet suppliers of organic ingredients for cosmetics at the show…
With Mélissa Mendy, Cosmébio and Gaëlle Frémont, INGREBIO

3.00pm The question of transparency in ingredients
Between regulatory changes and consumer expectations, how can we make progress on transparency in the food industry, on the origin of ingredients, but not only that… We hear from the Collectif En Vérité, a group of companies working for greater transparency.
With Joséphine Bournonville, Omie&Cie – Collectif En Vérité

3.30pm Origin, sourcing, traceability and impact: issues and opportunities arising from new transparency requirements
The opacity of supply chains has reputational consequences for manufacturers, because of the hidden impact of their supplies on the environment and human rights. Regulators are now tackling these issues with vigour, making supply chain traceability the basis of a ‘licence to operate’ in many markets.
With Matthieu Hug, CEO, Tilkal



10.30am Innovating with sustainable ingredients: focus on organic and functional ingredients
>> Organic and Functional Ingredients Discovery Tour

Guided tour to meet suppliers of organic and functional ingredients at the show… (taste, colour, texture…)
Gaëlle Frémont, INGREBIO

11.30am Contamination of organic products and legal changes: how to act now to avoid closing off 20% of the organic market by 2025 ?
A review of the scientific situation and the measures put in place to anticipate the review clause provided for in the organic regulation between now and 2025.
With Bernard Lignon, SYNABIO

12.30pm Exchanging views on value sharing in organic supply chains
Interbio Nouvelle-Aquitaine’s approach to price construction in the short and long organic sectors.
With Estelle Plante, Interbio Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Christophe Pollet, Agribio Union

1.30pm Innovating health products with organic nutritional ingredients
>> Organic Health Ingredients Discovery Tour << 

Guided tour to meet suppliers of organic ingredients for health products and dietary supplements at the show.
With Gaëlle Frémont, INGREBIO and Céline Gryson, Nutrifizz

2.30pm Benefits of organic livestock breeding and challenges in organic meat verticals
Organic livestock farming has its place in a sustainable food system. What are consumers’ perceptions of meat? How is research addressing these issues? How are the various sectors adapting?
With Philippe Sellier, INTERBEV, Soizick Rouger, ITAB,
Corentin Hamard, Erca Bio and Jérôme Caillé, breeder and chairman of the breeder commission Bodin Bio 

3.30pm Strengths and weaknesses of organic sectors with regard to deforestation 
The European regulation on imported deforestation will come fully into force in 2024. Cocoa, coffee, palm oil: are organic companies ready?
With Cédric Rabany, NITIDAE and Mathilde Mourgues, International Programmes Officer Commerce Equitable France.

4.30pm A new analysis method to authenticate organic products: a tool to win back consumer trust
The results of the TOFoo (True Organic Food) collaborative innovation project.
With Jean-François Morin, Director Marketing & Innovation Eurofins and Emmanuelle Baconnier, ITAB



10.30am Innovating with sustainable ingredients: focus on organic and local ingredients
>> Organic and Local Ingredients Discovery Tour  <<
Guided tour to meet suppliers of organic and local ingredients at the show…
Gaëlle Frémont, INGREBIO

11.30am Regulatory update on organic product processing
GMOs/NBTs, Salt, Cleaning & Disinfecting Products… everything you need to know to keep up to date with organic regulations.
With Bernard Lignon, SYNABIO

12.00pm Organic research: focus on projects conducted by RMT Actia TransfoBio and Institut de l’Agriculture et de l’Alimentation Biologique. 
The release of the new ACTIA Guide to Organic Product Processing will be announced at the conference.
With Fanny Cisowsky, ITAB and Rodolphe Vidal, ITAB and RMT ACTIA TransfoBio

12.30pm The bitter taste of tea, levers of fair trade for a sustainable tea supply chain 
Focus on the socio-environmental impact of the world’s 2nd most consumed beverage, and how Fair Trade can improve the sustainability of the sector.
With Julie Maisonhaute and Adèle Lémont, Commerce Equitable France

1.30pm Prebiotics, what development opportunities for organic products? 
In view of the regulatory context in Europe and the increased demand from consumers to optimise their intestinal health, here’s an update on innovation with prebiotics.
With Céline Gryson, Nutrifizz

2.30pm Sorghum, Millet etc: secondary cereals for tomorrow’s food
Developing secondary cereals can help meet climate and environmental challenges: how far have developments got, what are the obstacles and what are the prospects?With Martin Gomez, ID Sorghum, Aurélien Amir, Vieilles Graines and Bastien Boissonnier, Cluster Bio AURA – hosted by Bettina Balmer


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