Well-being: Consumers’ search for happiness
Sunday 18 September 2022
From 10:30 to 11:00
Trade show NATEXPO 2022

Well-being: Consumers’ search for happiness

In times of uncertainty, people question the meaning of life. Customers want more than just healthy and tasty products. The Wellness (boosting physical capacities) and Well-being (inner well-being) trend, very in vogue in the United States, is the search to feel better with oneself and for happiness. In other words, feeling comfortable about your body, your mind, your life, with others, etc., and in harmony with nature. What are the consequences on eco-responsible consumer goods and communication?

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In times of uncertainty, people question the meaning of life. Customers want more than just healthy and tasty products. The Wellness (boosting physical capacities) and Well-being (inner well-being) trend, very in vogue in the United States, is the search to feel better with oneself and for happiness. In other words, feeling comfortable about your body, your mind, your life, with others, etc., and in harmony with nature. What are the consequences on eco-responsible consumer goods and communication?

Natexpo Trade Show