“Making your own”, whether in cookery or cosmetics, is attracting an increasing following. According to a survey by ObSoCo, in 2018, 8 out of 10 French people partook in a “do-it or make-it yourself” activity. While some have adopted it as a lifestyle in its own right, other people are finding it difficult to take it up due to lack of time, technical skills or available budget.

Building on this observation, Laboratoire Innov’Effets launched Secrets des Fées in 2016: a range of cosmetic care products in powder form to make up yourself with water in a few seconds. A brainchild resulting from the meeting of two engineers and a cosmetic formulator, this innovation allows consumers to make their care products at home without having to buy up huge quantities of ingredients, and without risking any waste thanks to individually-packaged doses.

Since its launch and first participation at Natexpo, the Secrets des Fées brand has continued to grow and attract new customers.

We spoke to Sybile Chapron, the co-founder of Laboratoire Innov’Effets.

You exhibited on a Village stand: what was your company like at the time?

We were a company that was just setting out: the three founders were working on an innovative concept of cosmetic care products in powder form. We first took part in Natexpo when we launched Secrets des Fées. At the beginning, only one organic retail chain stocked our products, and it was our only sales channel.

In what way was this exhibition format an opportunity for you ?

Photo : Secrets des Fées

This format helped us to promote our brand, our concept and have discussions with a few customers.

Today you’re exhibiting in the Big Splash at Natexpo. What does this new step represent in your strategy?

Having a larger stand will give us greater visibility and also credibility; we are no longer a newbie, and we are moving up to a new dimension. We are still a small brand that needs to develop, so our sales goals have not changed.

What impact has Natexpo had on your company’s development?

Since our first participation, we have developed new distribution channels: chemists, beauty salons, organic shops, a premium mass retail brand and three export clients.

The four Natexpo shows that we took part in didn’t lead to a lot of massive new sales opportunities, but they enabled us to sign up a few small customers. These shows also gave us a certain amount of credibility through our presence. 

Photo : Secrets des Fées

What else would you add?

This Big Splash stand offer is something that we appreciate because it helps us move up step-by-step in terms of price and space. It’s a great initiative!

To find out more about Secrets des Fées cosmetics, visit their website.