Innovate with sustainable organic ingredients: close-up on an offering that goes a step further 
Monday 19 September 2022
From 10:00 to 11:00
Trade show NATEXPO 2022

Innovate with sustainable organic ingredients: close-up on an offering that goes a step further 

While organic certification guarantees a foundation of positive practices, it is possible to go further by integrating, for example, fair trade, CSR, animal welfare, biodiversity, upcycling, etc. 

>> Organic Ingredients Discovery Tour meeting suppliers of organic ingredients:  register here

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While organic certification guarantees a foundation of positive practices, it is possible to go further by integrating, for example, fair trade, CSR, animal welfare, biodiversity, upcycling, etc. 

>> Organic Ingredients Discovery Tour meeting suppliers of organic ingredients:  register here

Natexpo Trade Show