More than half of French people have reduced their meat consumption in recent years, and nearly half of them for ecological reasons.[1]

For many years, plant-based food brands have been innovating to offer alternatives to meat products. The names are intriguing, and the results are up to expectations!

In the seafood section, Ocean Kiss 100% Vegetal launches Solmon : the first 100% plant-based and organic alternative to salmon, made from plants and seaweed, with two patents. The recipe, which is better for the ocean and the planet, is made in France and traditionally smoked over beechwood. In addition, it’s healthy because it’s rich in omega 3, fibre and proteins.

Hot Griller by Wheaty

On land, German brand Wheaty – Topas GMBH launches Hot Griller : a unique organic fake sausage for grilling with a plant-based skin that allows the product to retain all its juiciness and therefore its flavour when eaten, all with a lovely golden colour when cooked!

In the chilled department, Jay&Joy, France’s leading plant-based alternative to cheese, innovates once again with its cream cheese and adds “Janis”, a plant-based feta with mild, fresh and lemon notes, to its wide range of plant-based cheeses.

Morice launches the mini Morice, with 35% less sugar compared to traditional children’s yoghurt, rich in protein, almond milk and banana. The company recently merged with the Biochamps dairy to become a key player in the organic network.

Traditional country-style pâté by FB Consulting Culinaire

FB Consulting Culinaire innovates with “Ceci n’est pas une terrine de campagne”, an imitation of a traditional country-style pâté. This tasty product does not use any natural or artificial flavouring.

Milk and egg alternatives are also multiplying in the biscuit and sweet grocery department.

Hibu Biscuiterie, located in the Basque country, makes organic, vegan and gluten-free creations. Their peanut biscuits convinced the 2024 Natexpo Awards judging panel, winning Gold in the Seeds category: their delicious recipe using peanuts as the main ingredient and their support for the local economy are to be commended.

With 45 years of experience, Lima innovates by offering the first alternative to powdered oats on the market. The company is launching Yannoh Latte and Chicorée Latte, which is new in coffee substitutes.

Cookies by Baramel

The family and artisanal biscuit company, Baramel, proposes chocolate chip buckwheat cookies : French buckwheat flour and fair trade dark chocolate chips, vegan biscuits made with raw ingredients.

Still in biscuits, Nature et Cie is marketing individual, gluten-free and vegan cookies made from local ingredients, available in organic shops.

German brand Koro proposes a 100% organic and vegan salty peanut protein bar , rich in fibres (9.2 g/100 g) and proteins (21 g/100 g) for a boost at any time of day.

Try them at Natexpo Lyon 2024!

[1] Source: Harris Interactive Barometer / Réseau Action Climat, April 2023