Our lives are becoming ever more virtual – today one third of people prefer to be on their smart phone rather than talking to or spending time with people close to them[1]– and this prompts us to search for new sensations and enhanced sensorial experiences, to get a better grip, stop for a minute and rediscover reality.
In the era of augmented reality and artificial intelligence, “sensing” things is today an imperative part of contemporary consumption.
10.5% of consumers spend their money on experiences and amusement[2]. This is particularly true of Millennials (generation Y and Z, 18-35 years of age) who have a vital need for play and sensations.
The emotional aspect and experiences have furthermore become key factors for the luxury goods sector: “the Millennial generation needs to get a genuine emotional discharge from their luxury purchases.” Vogue, 2018
Naturality therefore becomes a source of experience and even of performance.
Because in addition to being healthy, the sensorial experience delivered by a cosmetic or food product is an essential part of customer satisfaction.
Brands continue to be ever more inventive to innovate. Tastes are mixed together. Cooking rituals and recipes are being reinvented. Textures are blending together and being reinterpreted, they change at the contact of water, skin or burst in the mouth to liberate their full power.
Augmented naturality = the sensorial performance.
- Belgian Thins Florentine, broken chocolates, by Belvas SAS
- Hot Chocolate Drops, made with coconut flower sugar, to dissolve in hot milk, by Belvas SAS
- Whole organic strawberries, freeze-dried using a technical innovation, by Biercors (299)
- Nectar Doré in-shower body oil, with two-phase texture: oil then milk, by Centifolia (139)
- Powdered toothpaste, by SDEB Ecodis
[1] Worldwide survey Phone-Life Balance, by Motorola at end 2017
[2] Barclaycard, 2017