Bulk • CSR • Deposit • Eco-designed packaging • Eco-responsibility • Local
Organic• Vegan • Zero waste

Join us on 23rd and 24th September 2024
at Eurexpo Lyon, Hall 6 !

Not to miss

The Natexpo Awards

The Natexpo Awards single out the most innovative, useful, practical and original products launched on the market during the year. Discover them!


The New Products Gallery

The New Product Gallery, is a strategically important zone where visitors will have an exclusive preview of the innovative products presented by exhibitors.

Exhibit at Natexpo

Natexpo is the French leading event for organic and eco-responsibility.


Join the community

Be careful

Some companies are currently getting in touch with exhibitors in order to sell supposed visitor databases or ask you to confirm your information. These emails do not come from our services. J2C is the only company accredited to offer communication solutions for the show. Do not follow up on these communications and please forward them to us.
Click here for more information

News from Natexpo

Les adhérents FEEF/PME+ sont à Natexpo

La FEEF (Fédération des Entreprises et Entrepreneurs de France), partenaire du salon Natexpo depuis plusieurs années, représente les TPE/PME/ETI fabriquant les…
baseline La Nef

Le rôle d’un organisme financier dans un marché en situation difficile

Pionnière du financement de la filière bio, la Nef, banque éthique, accompagne depuis 1988 des projets de production, transformation, distribution…

Natexpo 2023: Prepare your visit!

  Natexpo, the must-attend organic trade event, returns to Paris-Nord Villepinte, Hall 6, from Sunday 22 to Tuesday 24 October…
e commerce

Ankorstore s’engage aux côtés des commerçants indépendants pour les fêtes de fin d’année

Du 17 au 26 octobre, Ankorstore propose le “vendredi des indépendants” : des réductions allant de 5% à 45% sur…