Organic-Reports 6: At the heart of the organic drinks trend!

The drinks market is growing from strength to strength, with organic drinks taking pride of place in an ever-expanding range...

Les adhérents FEEF/PME+ sont à Natexpo

La FEEF (Fédération des Entreprises et Entrepreneurs de France), partenaire du salon Natexpo depuis plusieurs années, représente les TPE/PME/ETI fabriquant les...

baseline La Nef

Le rôle d’un organisme financier dans un marché en situation difficile

Pionnière du financement de la filière bio, la Nef, banque éthique, accompagne depuis 1988 des projets de production, transformation, distribution...

Natexpo 2023: Prepare your visit!

  Natexpo, the must-attend organic trade event, returns to Paris-Nord Villepinte, Hall 6, from Sunday 22 to Tuesday 24 October...

e commerce

Ankorstore s’engage aux côtés des commerçants indépendants pour les fêtes de fin d’année

Du 17 au 26 octobre, Ankorstore propose le “vendredi des indépendants” : des réductions allant de 5% à 45% sur...

Natexpo 2023: High collective ambitions in the race to win back the organic market

Might these be the early signs of a recovery on the organic market at the forthcoming edition of Natexpo? While...

Natexpo 2023, more international than ever before!

The all-organic trade show will be back at Paris Nord Villepinte from 22 to 24 October.2,500 exhibitors and brands and...

Nutritional sobriety: how to mobilise the food chain

When it comes to nutrition, the word “free” has been the talk of the town in recent years. Additive-free, sugar-free...

Innovation isn’t always where you expect it

“Organic as a laboratory for the conventional sector”? There is an expression that we often hear: “Organic is the laboratory...

Climate & Nutrition : in step with our environment

The climate is a hot topic these days as it directly affects our everyday life, as well as the future...