Bio Reportages #1 : la bio, une histoire de famille

  Pionniers de la bio, les entreprises engagées héritent souvent d’un véritable encrage familial. A travers les années se transmettent...

Innovation at the heart of the show

In the organic sector, small businesses are getting ever more inventive to present new, innovative products and concepts. It starts...

Zero waste, a major trend at Natexpo

Zero waste comes to Natexpo Zero waste is a major trend today. Customers are increasingly turning to products with little...

Organic Incubator, Natexbio Challenge : a helping hand for organic start-ups

Natexpo is committed to supporting young small businesses and start-ups with innovative organic projects. Firstly, with the creation of the...

The largest offer in health food and dietary supplements

Spotlight on health food and dietary supplements. The health food sector is a fast-evolving segment and Natexpo is the place...

The winners of the 2019 Natexpo Awards

Since 2005, Natexpo, the international trade show for organic products, is hosting the Natexpo Awards. An opportunity to reward the...

Dossier de presse : Toutes les nouvelles tendance de l’univers bio sont sur Natexpo

NATEXPO, l’incontournable rendez-vous français de tous les professionnels de la bio fait son grand retour au Parc des Expositions de...

An amazing international growth at Natexpo

Increased international participation at Natexpo As the leading French organic trade show and a major event for industry professionals for...

Focus on the BioED label

Because organic products lie increasingly at the heart of customer demands, the BioED label invites companies working in organic to...

Organic Incubator 2019 : discover the budding stars

The 2019 Incubator: a treasure trove of innovative concepts! In the organic sector, small businesses are becoming ever more inventive to...

Natexpo Trade Show