Nos partenaires sanitaires vous assurent une visite en toute sérénité

Afin de permettre à tous, exposants et visiteurs de profiter du salon sereinement et en toute sécurité, ces 4 sociétés...

The feminine hygiene revolution

The feminine hygiene market is undergoing a revolution. A rise in ecological awareness and people’s motivation to reduce their household...

[Forébio] The faces and the state of mind of today’s and tomorrow’s organic farmers

Come and discover a photo exhibition on the Forébio stand!   Forty-six percent, i.e nearly one farmer in two, will...

[Culture Nutrition] Democratisation of nutrition : food, nutra, health, a coalescence of sectors!

Our world is changing. Our society is evolving. Just like organic, let us welcome the increasing interest among consumers in...

[ Success Stories ] Bio Cohérence labels virtuous practices

Bio Cohérence is a French organic label collectively promoted by producers, manufacturers, retailers and consumers. Its specifications go further than...

Boisson fermentée pour une pause raffraîchissante

Fermented drinks reviving the aperitif

Fermented drinks are the new stars among thirst-quenching, healthy and authentic beverages, with kefir and kombucha now available in many...

Organic Reports #4: power to the independents

On the dynamic organic market, the number of independent entrepreneurs is increasing across the entire value chain and particularly in...

[ Success stories ] Sarmance: cosmetics from organic grapevines

Sarmance is cosmetics brand whose products are made from organic grapevines. It is 100% French and was founded by two...

Organic product sourcing: the organic+French combi is not enough

When demand goes through the roof, you have to be able to count on imports to solve the organic sourcing...

Natexpo beautified by organic cosmetics

The organic cosmetics sector is proving its vitality with a strong increase in participation at Natexpo (+10% compared with  2019)...

Natexpo Trade Show