[ Les belles réussites ] Hoope combines taste with wellness at breakfast time

Always with the promise of enjoyable eating, Hoope offers healthy products that are naturally rich in essential nutriments, resulting in...

[ Success stories ] Capitaine, organic cosmetic care from Brittany

Following the trends of the organic sector, consumers in the cosmetics segment are moving towards products of local origin, zero...

[ Success stories ] nüMorning, gluten-free and gourmet breakfasts

nüMorning, offers gluten-free breakfast recipes made in Lyon in their artisanal workshop. Made from organic ingredients, unprocessed, without refined sugars...

Personne assistant à un webinar

[ Webinar Natexpo ] Mardi 23 mars : Natexpo 2021, les acteurs de la bio répondent présent !

Natexpo 2021 ouvre ses portes dans quelques mois. En attendant, profitez d’un webinar exceptionnel pour vous reconnecter à l’actualité de la...

[ Success stories ] Local en Bocal

Local en Bocal is an artisanal canned food company committed to using local produce. 100% of the fruit and vegetables...

[ Success stories ] Le Labo Dumoulin

Le Labo Dumoulin is an Alsace-based brewer of organic fruit kefir. Their mission is to take ‘living’ food that is healthy...

[ Success stories ] Secrets des Fées

“Making your own”, whether in cookery or cosmetics, is attracting an increasing following. According to a survey by ObSoCo, in...

A 2021 show keenly anticipated by the sector’s professionals

In 2020, NATEXPO earned plaudits by going ahead with its event in Lyon. With the benefit of this successful show...

[ Success stories ] Kafé Naka

Kafé Naka was created in January 2019 out of the desire to reinvent a consumer good by adding a wellness...

[ Success stories ] Oé

Oé wines were born out of the observation that in France, vineyards made up 4% of agricultural land but accounted...